[Animalphotography] My Name Is Galih


Hallo, my name is Galih

Please call me Galih, or Gal.

I'm 6th month at this time. Definitely Male. Right, I Know I'm handsome. I Know you want to pet me right now right this time because seeing my lovely picture. But Sorry... I Love my human, Kia.

She's nice, always feed me with raw fish and delicious pet food, but hey I don't like the taste, Kia would you give me another flavor please. I Will definitely eat chicken flavor.

I don't like when she start working, she will forget me suddenly for hours. I love napping with her. That's the thing i love the most. Right on the bed, struggling wake up together, hug each other, or play some cute thing like feather i think... that's the activity i loved.

Would you play with me sometimes? I feel so lonely when Kia forget about me.

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