The beauty of butterfly

butterflies are one of the most beautiful animals to enjoy and most people love them, like this one.


this butterflies its beauty is not in doubt anymore and for sure, in this aceh butter we call her "bambang jamee" because if this kupu perch in a house that a sign that the house will come guest.

indeed this sounds strange and is considered as a superstition or an obscure story of its origin, but that's the reality of it and what happens is sure, because that's what most people believe in it.


but, if we look far back, the butter is derived from a caterpillar that becomes a cocoon that turns into a butterfly.

why in the moment become a caterpillar we do not like it and why when become a butter we become like it, is it because of its beauty.


if that's what we hope it means we only see the material alone, the real caterpillar and butterflies are similar animals, but we tend to choose who has the material alone.

if we want to see the beauty, look at starting from the beginning how and where the beauty began.

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