enjoy the uniqueness and agility of leaf spiders in macrophotography

spider leaf is a small and unique spider, this spider has several shapes and its color, for this one special life its on the foliage.


The spider never touches the ground or feeds on the ground, with its small, unique, and very agile body shape in its movements, making this spider survive and his entire life on the foliage.


one thing that a spider does not have on this one, if in general his other spider has a net to catch his prey, this spider does not have a net like any other spider, he just has a small white net specially to make his nest from the edge leaves in the roll,
and, is to search for his prey he took advantage of the net of other spiders, with his extraordinary agility makes it very easy to get his prey from other predators,


here I had made it hard to get some of his photos, especially with the use of macro lens is very difficult to approach it, but with my patience, the end I managed to get it even though not as maximal as possible.

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