Angry ?

I'm sure everyone has a pet peeve..

I feel like either A something is seriously wrong with me or B I have a bunch of pet peeves.
things I cant stand..
Maybe its something other then the 2 of those things that sets me into this uncontrollable rage I get in.

1 - When I ask a question and its ignored so I have to ask numerous times in various ways for it to be ignored.
2 - When I am on the phone with someone and they hang up, so I call back and they don't answer
3 - Receiving text messages in the same house with someone during an argument
4 - Repeating my self over and over again to make a point that still isn't understood
5 - I hate the fact that I allow people to make me so mad that I get to these points
6 - Being ignored in general
7 - Being told that the argument that is occurring is my fault - Because the other person didn't answer my question.
8 - Being talked over or not being able to talk
9 - When I am talking the other person in conversation just saying things like " ok " or " sure "
10 - Ignored phone calls

I could keep going but those are the current ones on my mind right now.
So here I sit, In a dirty parking lot at a dirty place with dirty ass people.
I cried so much my shirt feels like its soaked from sweat.

Are people difficult or is it me? Am I my own problem in all of my issues? Is it me that has to change to solve my problems?
What is the actual answer?

Are people difficult or is it a person.

I cant tell you how much time, years , days , months I waited for the world to change around me thinking people would want to adjust. But instead everyone else completely deliberately refuse to keep those small things in mind and make changes them self. I am not saying that I'm not part of the problem, but there is no way I am solely the problem. It is not me that is completely at fault in EVERY situation. Now that I started making that list I keep thinking of things that need to get added to it.

It is probably best for me to lower my expectations from people cause that's the only way things will change. If i stop expecting so much or an equal return then I wouldn't constantly be let down.

I honestly am so confused with basic life questions right now I am at a complete loss of a lot of things
Random rant on this soon to be rainy Friday

All I wanted to do was come home and do what was planned today and here we are again with something else just ruined because of things that happened.


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