Psychopath from my porch

In my house always lived quiet and relaxed people, try not to come into conflict under any circumstances. It had 3 floors and a total of 9 apartments, where several families lived people. Once close to the house there was a murder, the girl screamed for help, but no one came. I was then 13 years old, I asked her father to go and help her, or at least call the police. Nobody did nothing and did not know who committed the crime

Police interviewed all, that night was absent only my neighbor -. A humble kid who never stood out from the crowd, but he was suspicious to me. 5 years later, I went to study to be a psychologist, and after 7 years has gone into the police be psychological profiles of criminals. Once we got to the same boy, my neighbor - cool, collected, balanced. He was arrested for the murder of girls, all 33 were identical cases.

When I was a portrait, I realized that I was writing about the other person. He talked to me calmly and evenly, not rude, but when I asked about the victims - did not understand what I'm saying. It seemed to me that he is not guilty, just my colleagues made a mistake with the conclusions of the detainees were not. We worked with him for many 3 months, until one day he did not give up. His consciousness has shifted, he was the one who might have killed 30 people - thrift, false and obsessed with killing. During another conversation, he mentioned that the girl, saying:

- Lena, do you remember the girl who cried under your windows? You're one then wanted to save her, but nobody cared. Do you know who was the man, the one who robbed her of life? I think you knew from the very beginning, but who would you believe?

That was the last conversation, his portrait was drawn, he was found guilty and given a life sentence. Since then, I can not believe that, as a teenager, did nothing. I feel guilty for being a psychopath from my porch deceived all and continued to walk with me to school.

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