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Facebook Faces the Power of BlockChain!...Can Zuck Tame the Beast?

2018-02-10 10.00.41.png

Will Facebook Chain the BlockChain?

@ew-and-patterns posted a very interesting article out of Zerohedge that said that Mark Z and his team are figuring out where and ways Block Chain technology can fit into their system.
Hummmm did I just miss something there...the key words to me when I read the latest yarn from Tyler Durden
was this how and where, better to fit (paraphrase) block chain technology into their system.* A platform like Steemit, in it's inception , was designed with blockchain tech in mind.
Here is my comment on the Article:

What do you get when you mix facebook and crypto without a verified block chain? Isn't it called, half ass centralization? This is like saying, the post office will work more efficiently, after new wall paper goes up. Unless Zuck is smart enough to adopt Super media tokens, then I am all for it, Steem On! So is there such a thing as "some transparency"?

It seems the facebook platform is built on a mass confusion, misery making algorithm. With censorship leading the way. Zucks advertisers might not like the FB idea. This article also says that facebook has been studing Steemit's vote and reward system. Can you imagine how much more confusing it will be, to look at the interface on your facebook page? 500 new white and blue thumbs, buttons and drop down menu's to finally cast a vote? If indeed thy are going that way...

*But willing to give 2 cent FB token, as incentive to watch a 2 min big pharma ad about how that new pill will kill you a wee bit slower.....might work;D

Remember when Coke tried to change their ingredients to compete with pepsi?

I might be wrong,
But could it be, in the not to distant future..FB. might be renamed ...Facebook Classic?
Great thinking cap article .*

Still, this is a Boon for Crypto and Steemit

But I do read this as a boon to Crypto and Steemit, as a whole. The fact that Facebook and google, which are the grand curators of the advertising dollar on the net. So the predictions are flying that Zuckerberg and team are going to come up with a facebook token, to end up leading the whole crypto market, whereby he then becomes the defacto Chairman of the new Federal Reserve of Cryptom. Wow how weird, that sounds, like the latest plot in a Batman remake.

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But this is all just pointing or (thumbing) to the fact that the big platforms have known what is coming, and now are trying to figure out how to fit block chain into their fiat clogged coggs?

How can blockchain work with a fiat system without over time eradicating the need for paper money?
This sounds promising. But what will brick and mortar retail, etc do if the crypto revolution speeds up this fast?

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I Iike to play financial Oracle, just for fun. What I've seen in Alice's looking glass, is quite a jump. Based on the reality show going on at the moment. I prognosticate,
if I may, that in 2 years that Steem will be way over $100 and that indeed well might be close to living in a incentive, tokenized world where you play games with ads, and other revenue sites to win tokens that will be placed in wallets for your basic needs; doing away with the drudgery of fear based obligation.But then it will morph into a Game based UBI system for all because of automation.

And the fiat dollar will be replaced by crypto, like Steem and the Hempcoin (THC) the perfect marriage between base line green agriculture production and high Blockchain protocol that will heal the whole realm though the inventive
paradigm , finally releasing the great Human Renaissance of incredible Creative beauty that only a purely free human mind can bring.
What's the ancient proverb spoken by the Gnostics , who some say are the original anarchists?
Dream your own Dream and live your own Myth

Iron age to golden age? You tell me...right now its a
bumpy ride, but Im HODLing
on to my dream.

I appreciate your comments, witticisms, and feedback.