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How to Overthrow a Western Government in 2009 - Case Study - True Story!

Picture a Protest at the White House that Forced the Entire US Gov’t to Resign!

Picture US Citizens Rewriting the Constitution via Crowd-Sourcing!

Picture Nationalizing the Major Banks!

Picture Jailing the Bankers!

Iceland Revolution Fire.jpg

Welcome to Your Potential Reality!

In 2009, that’s exactly what happened with the Icelandic Pots and Pans Revolution - if they can do it - why can’t we?

That is a question worth posing and a very recent example of a peaceful, anarchistic, revolutionary resistance that succeeded - surely that makes it worthy of investigation!

VIDEO TRAILER - Icelanders Overthrow Their Government and Rewrite Their Constitution After Banking Fraud!

Truth Fears No Investigation - Let's Investigate!


I will not attempt to tell you what to do. I will present facts, unique and contemplative perspectives, opinions, strategies and insights, pose questions and share potential solutions with you. I will leave it up to you (and trust you) to decide what you should to do with the information that I am presenting.

I support decentralization and I invite you to contiune reading.

Background to the Icelandic Financial / Banking Crisis

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Historically speaking Iceland was one of the poorest countries in Europe at the end of the WW2. It had long been a colony of Denmark, only gaining independence in 1944. Its colonial history ensured that it was pre-destined to be controlled by the 14 (fourteen) families, commonly referred to as 'The Octopus', which constituted of the economic and historical, ruling and political elite of Iceland (globalists).

The Octopus was not a formal group. The Octpous reflected the fact that 14 families contolled practically every major industry in Iceland. The Octopus projected its power through its control over the country’s most powerful political party, the Independence Party; many of the parties leaders were members of Octopus families.

A second, less powerful group of families was referred to as 'The Squid'. The Squid dominated the Progressive Party, which often served as the Independence Parties coalition partner in forming Gov't.

In 1991 Iceland, (along with most other Western allied Govt's that are committed to a corrupt, geo-politcal agenda designed to enslave us) began an aggressive program of bank (and public sector) privatizations that inevitably caused hyper-expansion of 3 (three) major Icelandic banks.

Icelands 'new economic model'was sparked was fueled by huge stock market and housing bubbles that made Iceland’s per capita GDP one of the highest in world in under than 15 years.

Iceland was seemingly a shining example of what progressive, capitalism and privitization in a media-hyped world could achive - until....

The Bubble Burst

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Iceland’s economy collapsed in October 2008 when 3 (three) major banks were forced into bankruptcy while Iceland experienced one of the deepest economic downturns in modern history.

Iceland is a nation of a little over 300,000 people. With the Icelandic Minimum Deposit Guarantee already enshrined in legislation most Icelandic citizens found themselves left carrying debts of €20,887 (each) due to the corrupt decisions that the politicians and bankers entered into behind closed doors.

The UK & Netherlands Govt's were 'due' £2.35 Billion.

The UK & Netherlands Gov't demanded repayment in full whilst the citizens of Iceland argued that they knew nothing about the secret and covert actions of their Gov't, the Octopus, the Squid and the banksters in the years preceding the collapse.

The Icelandic Gov't had no choice other than to refuse to repay the debt that had been accumulated on the basis that Iceland had lost access to the global credit markets due to the globally engineered financial crisis that swept across the world between 2007-2009. A debate ensued about how much responsibilty Iceland should bear and this debate ultimately went through a series of referendums wherein the citizens of Iceland rejected the proposed bilateral loan guarantees that were offered to it by the UK & Netherlands.

This created a standoff - so what did the UK Gov't do?

UK Declares Iceland a Terror Regime & Freezes Its Assets

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Icelands National Bank (Landsbanki) Listed alongside Al-Qaeda & North Korea as a Terrorist Regime

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When George W. Bush declared a 'War on Terror' he (and the globalists), knew that they were beginning a war that may never end and in my opinion, they did it intentionally (see Related Posts below).

Terror isn't a country, it isn't even a movement or idealogy. Terror is whatever the State deems it to be on any given day and they keep moving the goal-posts. We can clearly see that the definition of 'terror' is widening - one day in the not too distant future it will be a dragnet that will capture any person that disagrees with the Gov't - just you wait and see.

Govt's of the world have already begun pre-programming the masses with terms like 'domestic terrorist' - this will soon give them a license to 'terrorize' their very own citizens i.e. you and me!

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+ Like driving a car dangerously or skate-boarding maybe?

+ Like 'appearing intended' to influence Gov't policy by 'cohersion' e.g protest or civil disobedience?

+ First Amendment - Anyone?

You are the Terrorist of the Future and the Gov't Has You in Their Sight

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The Gov't is the Terrorist

The decision by the UK Gov't to list the national bank of Iceland as a terror regime set in motion an existing set of pre-established protocols that amongst other things:

  • Froze Icelands international assets
  • Ceased the free supply of credit to Iceland
  • Severely disrupted trade (import/export) and local businesses
  • Restricted the travel movements of Icelanders


Because the UK Gov't said so, that's why!

If they can list Iceland as a terror regime - how difficult is it for them to list any citizen as a terrorist?

Icelands Citizen Response = Pots & Pans Revolution

In a response that to this very day is unique in Europe, the Icelandic people united, and ultimately forced the entire Gov't to resign. They elected a coalition government that aggressively intervened in the financial and housing markets whilst supporting the expansion of highly targeted social programs. They also nationalized their banks, rewrote their Constitution via crowd-sourcing and imprisoned the bankers.

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The Result - Iceland 15th Best Country for Business within 6 Years - Forbes

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Iceland experienced one of Europe’s greatest financial turnarounds.

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US Mainstream Media Remains Silent

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This all began in 2008 yet there has been little, to no coverage of the Pots & Pans Revolution by US mainstream media outlets - why? The events that unfolded in Iceland were covered by international journalists and news bureaus and it was widely reported by the alternative news media - but the US mainstream media has (for the most part) deemed the Pots & Pans Revolution at best, un-newsworthy and most likely far too dangerous for US citizens to see!

CNN - How Come We Hear Everything That Happens in Egypt but No News about What’s Happening in Iceland?

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in 2012 CNN posted a statement on its website stating: “We’ve noticed a CNN iReport has being widely shared widely on Facebook and Twitter. Please note that this article was posted in May 2012. CNN has not yet verified the claims and we’re working to track down the original writer.”

The CNN iReport article originally appeared on CNN Europe who had already covered the protests and the forced resignation of the Gov't - so why on earth does CNN USA need to 'look into' the claims seeing that it had already been reported on by CNN Europe?

The Pots & Pans Revolution was ignored by US mainstream media. The New York Times published a few fragmentary stories but it didn't adequately cover the most important points or expose the corrupt politicians and bankers that caused the collapse of Icelands economy.

Iceland Pots & Pans Revolution - Full Movie

Potential Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Why did the US mainstream media ignore this important story?
  • What would happen if US citizens marched on the White House with pots and pans?
  • Why did Iceland experience an economic miracle after nationaizing its banks?
  • Ask Questions and Don't Accept BS Answers!

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Yours in Truth


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Visit My Blog to Read Earlier Posts.


Icelanders Overthrow Government and Rewrite Constitution After Banking Fraud

Lessons from Iceland - Capitalism, Crisis, and Resistance

CNN iReport - ICELAND. No news from Iceland?… why?

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