On Scapegoats, Rulers, and War: "Voices from Donald Trump's Rallies, Uncensored"

Those with the most anger and fear in their hearts almost always want to "fix" someone else—or something else—often with force and violence. They're not "the problem" ... it's that other group! Politicians seize upon this desire, offering up any number of scapegoats, coupled with fearmongering to make people believe that they are constantly under threat from these "outsiders." Fill in the blank: Jews, communists, Japanese, Muslims, Mexicans, homosexuals, drug dealers, African Americans, liberals, conservatives, anarchists, transgenders, atheists... politicians have become fantastically wealthy by leading their countries into domestic & international WAR for their backward "causes", manipulating you and leaving taxpayers to foot the bill.

Why do you want someone to rule your life? Why do you want an owner? Do you honestly think they know how to run your life better than you do? Do you feel that they are using the money they steal from you in a way that benefits anyone besides themselves? Look at how they run their own lives. Look at that national debt. Look at how many people are LOCKED AWAY IN CAGES for victimless crimes in the supposed land of the "free." All the slaveowners that founded this country? This is the tyranny they were warning us about. I do NOT consent.

Voices From Donald Trump’s Rallies, Uncensored

The video above was from a New York Times piece called "Voices From Donald Trump’s Rallies, Uncensored" and it is what inspired me to write this post. Here's a small excerpt from their article:
“Kill her.”
“Trump that bitch!”
“Build a wall — kill them all.”

New York Times reporters have spent over a year covering Donald J. Trump’s rallies, witnessing so many provocations and heated confrontations at them that the cumulative effect can be numbing: A sharp sting that quickly dulls from repetition.

But what struck us was the frequency with which some Trump supporters use coarse, vitriolic, even violent language — in the epithets they shout and chant, the signs they carry, the T-shirts they wear — a pattern not seen in connection with any other recent political candidate, in any party.

About me

My name is Randy Clemens and I am the author of The Sriracha Cookbook, The Veggie-Lover’s Sriracha Cookbook, and co-author of The Craft of Stone Brewing Co. I am a graduate of the California School of Culinary Arts and am featured in the award-winning Sriracha—a documentary film by Griffin Hammond.

In early 2015, I moved from Los Angeles to participate in the Free State Project, a geopolitical movement getting 20,000+ libertarians to relocate to New Hampshire to decrease the size and draconian reach of the government while protecting individual liberties.

You can read more about me on my Steemit introduction post! And if one (or more) of the things I've written about here tickles your fancy, you can follow my musings on Twitter via @SrirachaBook and @RandyClemensEsq.

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