What are you a Republican, Libertarian, Democrat, Anarchist, voluntarist?.....?

What are you democrat, republican, anarchist, libertarian, I'm curious?

I decided to simplify what I believe because labels often get hijacked and misinterpreted. Am I Anarchist? Maybe depends on what you think that is.

"Anarchy in the streets" google image search

Anarchy does not equal chaos. Anarchy original meaning without ruler.
compare the two and their origin.
(Words get hijacked)

I don't think I have the authority to tell you what to believe, act, do, say, behave, or to be able to in anyway to forcibly control you through threat of violence or violence. I have the right to defend myself and others from violence. I also believe that you have a personal responsibility to not screw over others and if you do screw over others (say through money) you can owe that money and repay it or be expelled by your community. (This includes all those things men and women in black dresses who swing hammers wrote on paper and call it "law") Like banning a medicinal plant called cannabis.

I don't believe you have the authority to tell me what to believe, act, do, say, behave. Or to be to in any way able to forcibly control me through threat of violence or violence. You have the right to defend yourself and others from violence.

Yes but, (Insert many questions, assumptions, dismissive statements, scepticism, something about the roads, etc.)

These concerns you raise are valid but a lot these things you bring up are not something I deal with on a daily basis. I will deal with them when they come up and pick the best way I see fit in the moment. I will not stick to a dogmatic solution and I will take responsibility for my actions. Sometimes I will help a community get started and it look like charity or "communism". Sometimes I will start my own business and try to deduct everything I can from my taxes to keep my money. (although I disagree with the whole system due to the fact it's a lie, theft, and immoral) It will look like libertarianism or right winged. It doesn't matter, if you haven't noticed the world is constantly changing faster and faster everyday. I seek to be able to adapt to that change and do my best to grow, succeed, give back, help, protect myself and my friends and family.

For me it's a lot easier admitting that there is no perfect answer to all these problems. There is no label or right team to be on. There is a mostly wrong team to be on and an easy way to be manipulated but there is no "right" party or team. I focus on what I can control, pay attention to what I can not. Speak the truth as much as I can and do the best I can. I try not to live in a fantasy, and just do the best I can.

If I can work with a small group we can be very peaceful and abundant without much strife. I don't seek to control other people, I seek to help those who don't want to hurt or oppress me. I don't believe in "Parties" because I don't really have say in what they do. So my needs are never really met. If I do benefit from the actions of the government I don't really ever appreciate because it is overall the reason why there are the problems.

I want to work and give back to my community.

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