Time to talk about - "Our Tube" - The decentralization of YouTube

North Korea is a perfect example on what happens to a society when strong censorship is implemented. The BigBrother censorship, the type of censorship that dictates what you are supposed to think and feel about jewish people, black people, asian people, white people, men, women, porn, Islam, what to eat and what not to eat, vaccines, history, words, music, libraries, Barbara Streisand, Terrorism, Murder, Abortion, Adoption, Foster-Care, Right & Wrong Education - the list is endless - and Now Youtube is implementing it as well, so it is time to plan the goodbye-party.

Finding a good alternative for youtube has been talked about among youtube-creators since it was bought by Google and completely changed into whatever you want to call it today, so I was happy to be introduced to the LBRY community a while back, they had this idea that video-hosting would be a good idea but failed at their initial business-plan which was Pay Per View, as we all should know by now - Pay Per View is a really hard market to conquer, and to be completely honest - I was against the model, because I don´t believe in PPV as something there is a demand for, so I went and told them my mind in their slack-group and left to focus on something else.

So when I just now heard that LBRY is actually going to develop a user-controlled de-centralized Youtube, of course I jumped in my chair because I believe there is a HUGE demand for a youtube without censorship. A youtube that is not controlled by studio-interests and Dictated what to show and not to show in the traffic-machine that suggest videos for users.

In the world today, documentary-makers who dedicate their life and integrity to producing non-political factual documentaries about topics such as the true Origin of the Jewish people vs the true Origin of todays Jewish people or how many of them actually was killed vs how many that has been documented to be killed during world war 2 are flagged as anti-Semites, right wing, nazis or racist - Same thing if a non political dedicated factual documentary creator makes a video about topics like: "9/11 was an inside job" - automatically flagged as a conspiracy theorist with a thin-foil-hat and forever sentenced to the weird side of youtube next to 300 other videos that suggest that 9/11 was not an inside job and that in fact everything the government say is true and beautiful - censorship.

Big Brother hates mathematics, he absolutely hates it!

It has gone way too far now, what you can say and not say - what is allowed and what is not allowed to ask questions about. And let´s face it - Big Brother hates mathematics, if he could - he would ban it in schools worldwide and make sure nobody could add up or subtract because it is not in his interest that we - the people - learn.

And obviously we are not alone wanting to be able to publish content without the fear of being censored by powerful authorities who give delegations to a hoard of censorship-bureaucrats world wide who sit and flag all kinds of content their special interest does not agree with and make sure that the people walk in line the way they want people to walk in line.

If you actually really saw a UFO, had your friend take a picture of it with you and the alien next to it - do you think anyone would see it? or believe it?

One of the basic censorships they do is to laugh and label everyone who has seen anything that can question the power to be - for example a stronger power that maybe dwell not so far away from us.

Just think about it - You and your friends walk down the road, and you meet a big alien with a space-ship that use complex technology that does not exist here on earth - he tells you that he is able to cause all kinds of cool effects on the earth with his knowledge and technology - and since he is in a good mood he shows you a few examples of how advanced his civilisation is, and also tells you that they are many more then those who live on earth. Imagine if this really happen to you and your friends - you even documented it on two cameras and even sound-recorded the whole event, gave the alien a hug - waved goodbye - high-fived your friends and started uploading content to facebook, youtube, instagram, soundcloud and in excitement started blogging about it - would anyone really believe you?

All we want to do is to talk about what we are not allowed to talk about, because that is where the skeletons in the closet are hidden.

So, after the recent youtube controversy about the new censorship-rules a lot of people are sad and depressed, because Youtube has reduced so many of us into clowns with no circus already, so when LBRY Announced $500K Raised to Build the First Community-Controlled YouTube Alternative I feel very optimistic again about the future, maybe the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth - once again can flourish on this earth and the institutions of liars shamefully sent home packing as the old world truly is soaking in the blood of corruption, the new world which we are creating as communities should always embrace free speech and freedom of information and protect those rights. Free speech and freedom of information is not a ticket to become an asshole or a full time troll which in every case of course is the other side of the debate.

Big Brother Censorship must end - and the way to end it is by Little Brother(s) start telling the whole world every single thing they know about Big Brother, expose all those politicians who have ripped off the people and supported special interests and replace them with people who have not been and will not allow themselves to be corrupted by greed or fear.

As we all know, good men have died for the rights to free speech, others has died for bringing true stories out in public about knowledge that is forbidden by anyone to know anything about.

We as human beings and technocrats are the ones who can change the world, and we must change the world - there are too many numbers in too many affairs that does not add up, we know that their game is rigged and it is time for revolution.

The one right most people do know they have, is the right to remain silent - everything they say can and will be used against you in the court of law. That is the sad majority of the world now unfortunately. The silent partners.

I love you all - Freedom Fighters, Keyboard Warriors - Truthers!! Don´t give up just yet!

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