Where did we go wrong? (ORIGINAL POST) @ethanjames as author.

Society.. If that's what you'd even call it anymore,
Has become a figment of imaginations. You see, society literally means "A group of people involved in persistent social interaction". But besides consuming, when was the last time human beings actually interacted with each other at all? I mean come on. We glorify how popular we are in our own worlds by how many friends we have on social media or how many people are following our make believe lives, sugar coated for everybody BUT ourselves. Yet we still spend our days trapped in front of computer screens completely severed from all other living organisms that surround us. Instead of connecting to one another on a spiritual level, we have all become machines that stay connected to the mainframe of digital life. I mean don't get me wrong. I don't mind not interacting with most people. In all seriousness I'd prefer not to. People aren't real anymore. Most have become plastic shells. Synthetic humanoids that blindly follow orders and live out their numb existence. People who care more about getting "likes" on Instagram, spending a weeks pay at a nightclub or get in years worth of debt to acquire that third car you sure as hell don't need. Feeding their own ego instead of each other.

But I guess that's what happens when we live in an age where everybody thinks they are celebrities. People who claim they are camera shy, but when one is put in their face, they practically rub their nipples to it. Where all they give a shit about is the dollar bills and the materialistic lifestyle. They'd rather read a gossip magazine than actually expand their minds with useful and logical information. When the fuck did we go wrong? When did life become one giant rehearsal for a reality TV program. Ha, 'Program'. You've gotta love that word. I guess we are all programmed to consume. We are all programmed to remain sedated and submit to lives that resemble a form of advanced slavery. Maybe we aren't even sedated anymore? Perhaps our egos have just become so inflated that it's turned us blind and deaf to the injustices inflicted upon us on a daily basis. I find it amusing to be honest.. the amount people talk about themselves. We all believe ourselves to be some unique god-like beings and act superior in someway to the next man. We are in an age of sociopaths.

So as I previously stated, where did we go wrong? Will we as a species find a way to break free from the invisible chains of the powers that be? I believe we will. First we have to break away from the ego. Stop being so fucking obsessed with ourselves over nothing. If we want to proceed as and intellectual species then maybe stop putting ourselves first and pretending like we're some already superior beings. How are we ever going to advance if we keep living and acting like this? If we just worked together more instead of for personal gain, I believe we could go very very far. I don't know, these are just the ramblings of someone 'society' (there's that word again), would label as crazy or deranged. When I feel like I'm one of few sane ones. One of the 'damaged' test subjects who is able to see through the cracks.. Time will tell.

Images references: www.google.com

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