DAKOTA PIPELINE CRISIS - A Story of Struggle being Suppressed by Mainstream Media

I was scrolling through the mindless garbage on other social media sites recently when I stumbled upon one video that captured not only my attention, but my heart too. In Dakota, Illinois, the powers that be are constructing a massive pipeline that stretches some 1172 miles ( That's roughly 1886 Kilometers for my Australian readers). Not only will the construction of this pipeline destroy peoples homes, but it will also have a huge impact on water supplies and quality of life as the pipeline will pump around 470000+ barrels of oil per day.

Native American tribes have banded together in an effort to protest against the decimation of their beautiful land and sacred Native American burial sites. As a result of this, "Private Security" teams have been hired to stand against the protesters, which started out as peaceful. The most fucked up part about this is that "Security" forces are using savage dogs and releasing them upon the Native Americans who are doing nothing but standing up for their rights as Human Beings. Many of the Natives (men, women AND children) have suffered bite woulds from these animals. What kind of sick fuck sets dogs upon peaceful protesters? Not only that, BUT CHILDREN. What the fuck is wrong with these parasites that they can feel no remorse? They sit back and get richer as hundreds, if not thousands of people lose their homes.

Oil conglomerates of America claim that their Pipeline has created some 8000 - 12000 jobs, but at what cost? You cunts aren't rich enough already? Or is money not the issue anymore? Are you just doing this out of pure spite knowing the effects it will have on the Native Americans and the rest of the people you hold 'Beneath" you? What also baffles me is the fact that even though the protesters were originally peaceful, opposition has used brutal force against them from the get go. No wonder they have begun to retaliate. I for one am fully with the Native Americans. I am incredibly impressed by how strong they have been and that they haven't violently escalated too much. I know for a fact that I would not show the Security or their dogs anywhere near as much compassion.

I'm writing this post because mainstream media neglects to shed light on stories like this and so it is up to us, the people, to use our voices and knowledge to open the ignorant eyes of the close minded. I'm disappointed that being in Australia I can't be there to stand with the Native Americans to show support and love. These people have been the keepers of American soil long before it was "Colonized" and so they have every right to defend their homes and lands. All these rich fat cats do is environmentally rape the land for it's resources and then just move on to the next piece of Earth that contains what they want, leaving the Natives to pick up the pieces that remain of their once pristine land. We as Human beings are the defenders and the protectors of this World, so it is up to us to spread the TRUTH.

To end this post off here is a video of the protests showing the brutality and severity of the situation.


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