Listen, cops and pro cop folks.

If you’re in law enforcement, or your dad or your mom or your sister or your boyfriend or your dog or WHATEVER someone you know and love is in law enforcement, listen.

People who bash the police don’t necessarily hate the person individually. They aren’t necessarily saying that that person is bad and hates puppies and secretly sacrifices babies to satan and whatever else.

What they’re SAYING is that individuals who are in law enforcement have the job of accosting people who have hurt no one. They enforce the LAW, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a law that anyone likes. It doesn’t matter if there’s an actual victim or not. Regardless of any of that, law enforcement goes out every day, and attacks and arrests people for doing something that isn’t hurting -anyone-.

If I walked up to you and punched you in the face because you were holding a daisy, not only would you think I was a douchebag, you’d probably call the cops on me. And yet, when someone holds a DIFFERENT plant that is just as harmless as a daisy, the cops suddenly have the authority to grab them and, in the event that the person in question is startled by this sudden attack and say, reacts by pushing against the officer, they can start beating the crap out of them, tasing them, breaking bones, and even killing them in their zeal to ‘subdue the threat’ of this individual who was minding their own business and not hurting anyone.

Yeah. We all know they’re just enforcing the law.

Yeah, we all know they’re just doing their jobs.

If they weren’t just doing their jobs, and they weren’t just enforcing the law, people wouldn’t be telling them to stop doing that.

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