Hooray for Apathy!

The great comedian and philosopher George Carlin once said, "It's important in life if you don't give a shit. It can help you a lot in life." He also once said that if there is a God, he doesn't seem all-knowing or all-good, at least from all the natural disasters that exist, unless of course God, "doesn't give a shit, which I admire in a person." George Carlin was right and was speaking in libertarian principles. Not giving a shit is essential to freedom in many ways. Now, in certain areas, not giving a shit can be bad. Not giving a shit about increasing government power or (to use a redundant phrase) corrupt politicians, can be bad, but in numerous other ways, not giving a shit is what makes life livable. Not giving a shit what your neighbor puts in his body is a good thing. Not giving a shit who marries who or what bathroom people use is another one. Not giving a shit about income inequality or how much money someone has is a good thing. Leaving people alone and not bossing other people around involves not giving a shit about how other people live their lives. Truly self-absorbed and selfish people make the world a better place (or at least not worse) by not controlling other people. People who boss other people around do give a shit and because they do, they constantly are nosy and concerned with how other people live their lives and attempt to control them when they act in ways the politician disapproves of.

Tyrants give a shit. Those who oppress people, threaten them, and commit horrific acts of violence give a shit. "Live and let live" is just a nicer way of saying, "I don't give a shit. I have my own life to worry about and could care less how you live yours as long as you leave me, my family, and friends in peace." The Left gives a shit. They give many shits. The Left is on the john daily and seem to never stop shitting. The Left are a bunch of narcissistic self-righteous people obsessed with other people's lives. They give a shit about the environment, how much money you have, whether people are educated, how much money people have, what kind of lightbulbs people use, whether they can own guns and if so which type. They give a shit whether people smoke or drink sugary beverages, how many people are allowed to get married, how much money people make, where you're allowed to park your car, what color your home is, and even what you're allowed to say. People who boss you around and threaten people with violence if they disobey do so, not because they like to control other people, but because they are so convinced that they are right and know better than others what is best for them and give a shit that they boss other people around "for their own good."

Libertarians, on the other hand, by and large do not give a shit. I certainly don't give a shit. I don't give a shit about my family and friends, so do you really think I give a shit about you? It's your life and your happiness. I have my own litter box to worry about. It's your life and I don't care if you become the richest person on the planet or if you become destitute. I don't give a shit if you are happy or end up committing suicide. I don't give a shit who you fuck or what you put in your body. I don't give a shit if you decide to strip on stage at a Libertarian convention. I don't give a shit if you decide to lay outside on your own property naked. I don't give a shit about the wages you pay your employees. 

The main problem in the world are people who want to improve the world, instead of leaving it be. "Let it be," the Beatles chanted. And we need more people to just let it be. And letting it be is just another way of saying, "Who gives a shit?"

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