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Well, I thought the free will argument was the easier to understand, so I didn't spend much time on it, but I suppose I must go into it.

Firstly, "enough" free will? A "bit less" free will? As in, a certain level of limitations on a human being's ability to make free choices? Let's see what that might look like. Let's make man free to make his own choices except for the choice to murder. Since man no longer has the ability to choose to murder, is murder still wrong? It would be odd to say so, as the possibility of murder no longer exists. How about the ability to steal? Is theft still wrong if we cannot choose to steal? How about lying? Or cheating on your spouse? What you're suggesting is a totally arbitrary line that you yourself deem fit to be drawn on the limitations of man's freedom. Free will does not exist if we are not free to choose wrongly, and the very concept of wrong choices disappears when we no longer have the ability to choose them.

If a slave is free to walk to the outhouse by himself, but not free to leave the plantation, you would not say that he is free "enough", or that he has a "bit less" freedom than he could have. The very existence of limitations on his freedom means he is not free. You can not dole out free will piecemeal.

And you mentioned "significant" evil. That's a pretty vague distinction. At what point does evil become significant? Is it when it reaches some kind of Top Ten Evil Things In The World list? What if we removed those top ten evil things? Would significant evil still exist, or would the next group of evil things, formerly designated as less significant, become the new Top Ten? Or what if ten new evils were introduced that suddenly seemed worse than the previous Top Ten? Would those formerly "significant" evils suddenly become less so? You're speaking in arbitrary language, and missing my point entirely.

Finally, God doesn't need me to defend him. He's not like Tinkerbell who will cease to exist if no one believes in Him anymore. I'm writing things like this not to defend God, but because I want to help clear up mistaken beliefs people have about Him. I am interested in the truth, and spreading the truth, for the sake of my fellow man.
