why conspiracy theorist don't matter

I regularly get people lecturing me about various world-domination conspiracies. Apparently they assume that because I hardly ever talk about such things, that I must not know about such things, or that I must not think they are real. Actually, I don't talk about such things because ultimately, they don't really matter. As long as the vast majority of people believe in "authority," even knowing every detail of the conspiracies doesn't fix anything. People will still vote, petition, whine, and then "obey the law" and "pay their taxes," because their authoritarian indoctrination tells them to. On the other hand, when people outgrow statism, the details of the conspiracies still won't matter, because without the people feeling an obligation to obey, none of the conspiracies would work. The war-mongering, the "legalized" extortion, the fiat currency fraud, and so on, all hinge on authoritarianism. Without it, it doesn't really matter who the players are, and how it all works. In short, the belief in "authority" is the linchpin of oppression. Pull that out, and the rest crumbles.

Whether the nastiness is coming from the White House, Congress, the Federal Reserve, the Illuminati, the Bildebergers, the Rothchilds, the New World Order, the international bankers, or anywhere else, the entire house of cards falls when the people stop hallucinating an obligation to obey so-called "authorities." The good news is, to unravel all the malicious schemes, agendas and conspiracies, we don't need to know how they work, or who is doing them. We don't even need to know they exist. We only need to know that we each own ourselves, and that no one has the right to rule us. this is from @larkenrose

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