how to deprogmming statists

how to deprogramming statist learn about how they think and act there a statement called know your enermy if you wanna build allies with libertarians or minarchists that's fine i wanna see statists be know they have contradictions inside their own heads first and foremost they have contradictions inside their own head like i used to also, learn about logical fallacies and ad-hominem attacks and emphenisms statists use to cover up their support for government or slavery-lite (Libertarian's) or minarchism (limited government) get them to see their errors of their ways to see clearly and to think free from cognitive dissonance or comfirmation bias by teachers schools or the media point that out to them as well show they that media lies and has an agenda to dumb down the population. those of us (anarchist/voluntaryists) see the state for what it is a crinimal orgainzation a terrorist organization that is funded by law aiding citizens (which were duped in supporting evil and destruction to society at lage get them to question the offical narrative of the 9/11 story or anything that appears odd to them once they start doing reasrch they will no longer be an statist but a voluntaryist which we all were when we were born but got indoctronated out of it in statism and collectivism if you are talking to a collectivist let them know about "tradegy of the commons" and why socialism always fails no matter how many times it tried in the real world. find common ground with statists minarchism start by asking them if they believe in the social contract if they don't they keep asking questions as time goes on and on. get conseratives to believe in no rulers and anti-authortarian position to them so they too can ask more questions about the anarchist/voluntaryist philosophy as times goes may thanks to @larken rose for helping me get to an-authortarian position by using logic and reason seeing the contradictions inside my own head and fell off the statists spectum government violate the NAP and individuals rights just for exist it's time to move past statism and into voluntaryism cause it the next logical step forward for humanity get liberals to believe in gun rights and you'll win them over and they will see the light point out to collectivist and statist about wikileaks data dumps and corruption at the top down and how to get rid of government inside your own head and become an anarchists and believe in self-ownership and property rights and capitalism.

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