anarchism good or bad

I will start with the flawed statist logic "we need a ruling class because without them who would build my roads for me? umm the same damn people who build them now do you ever see politicians or tax collectors building roads? no so you would still have your road in a stateless society without a violent and destructive monopoly on violence.

another flawed statist logic :we need government because of _____ so basically they are saying they need a monopoly on violence in order to get ____ ? i was the exact same way i wanted bigger government that i hallcinated need to be bigger in comparsion to what it currectly is now.

you practice anarchism each and every single day so a society without a monopoly on violence isn't so bad it is?

statist's : "we need to elected the right people into power" you'll never change it from the inside even ron paul himself said legistatedly he accompished nothing so that's means you'll never elect the right people into society a monopoly on violence is destructive to society it holds it back from it's true potential progress.

i will started with limited government (minarchism) "we need a limited government aka "Monopoly on violence" wishing and hoping a government limtes itself is wishful thinking and truly a sign of dumb down rthetoric that needs someone explain to them that if we just get the right puppet on the throne, all will be better politicians wanna dominated you anarchist's want you to be free of coercion and "authoritarian ruling classes"

is the worst thing you can think if is a society without a ruling class isn't better then a society with authortarian domination wars created by prograngda and started by lies if the truth can set us free Anarchist want you to be free of real or imagine fears they want you to take complete absolutely 110% of your life an actions and act accordingly with your morality whether its god given rights or natural indivduals rights.

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