If you don't vote, you can't complain! Really?

Quite the opposite I'd say! I've heard people telling me I can't complain about government because I don't vote and I often wonder if they know what they are saying or just regurgitating some buzz-phrase they have seen on TV.

I'll put this very simply for any voters out there who plan on using this phrase again: not voting is the ONLY thing that allows me to complain. If you vote for a party and it gets into power, you cannot complain because you gave them your permission to laud authority over you so you reap what you sow. If they start (as inevitably they will) breaking campaign promises and creating policy you disagree with, then tough. You created this monster with your mindless ceremonial voting card, so you deal with the consequences!

If you voted for a party and they didn't get into power then you still have no right to complain. You were happy to have your party impose their will onto the entire country, whether they liked it or not and by doing so you lost any moral high ground.

No, the only way to have impartiality and true moral standing in terms of politics is DO NOT VOTE.

If you think your vote will change anything, you are wrong. If you want to protest vote against a candidate, you are simply feeding the monster. The system is rigged folks!

The moral reason not to vote is simple: by voting you are delegating the right to a small group of people (government) to impose their will upon the entire nation BY FORCE. Would you force someone to do your will and call it moral? No? Well then why would you think it's moral to ask other people to do it for you?

Government is, by definition, coercive and to participate in the system that government feeds from is immoral.

Without knowing it, every voter is committing violence against the rest of the country. If you are a voter I want you to seriously consider whether you personally would commit violence against your neighbour if they didn't do what you wanted them to do, and ask yourself, should I be asking other people to do that on my behalf?

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