ARTWORK: Voluntarist (or AnCap) Flag -- Adobe Illustrator vector file available for download

Back in 2010, I was looking for a voluntarist/ancap version of the black anarchist flag in a circle commonly seen online. I'm sure many of you have seen it....

After 2 hours of searching using Google images, I finally came to the conclusion that it simply didn't exist. So, being a graphic designer and armed with Adobe Illustrator, I created my own version. I posted the finished image to Facebook and tagged a few people in it and didn't think too much about it after that.

Well, it wasn't long before it REALLY took off. TONS of people started using it as their Facebook profile picture, including many people I didn't know and weren't connected with on Facebook. People started using it on websites outside of Facebook, with variations starting to appear for all the various sub-classifications of anarchism beyond Voluntarism and Anarcho-Capitalism. The most notable usage (to me, at least) was Ben Stone, The Bad Quaker, using it on his website for his podcast. When Ben retired from public life, he credited me with creating the graphic in the comments of his retirement post.

At the time when I posted it, I pretty much released it to all and sundry, letting anyone take it and use it as they saw fit. I was pleased to see that people had done exactly that.

I now post this here and reiterate the original release of it to everyone to use, with an added bonus.... the original Adobe Illustrator vector graphic file is available and equally open for anyone to take and use. It can be downloaded from here.

Take it, use it, modify it, download it and delete it.... whatever floats your boat. Huzzah!

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