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Anarchism- Most of you really don't know what it means.

an = without
archy = man made systems of rule

An true anarchist is one that isn't dependent upon man made systems of rule and lives in a way that doesn't attempt to impose rules on others.

If someone claims to own property, they are imposing their rules on others, restricting their movement by putting up fences.

If someone is dependent upon money, agriculture, government to meet their survival needs, they are supporting man made systems of rule.

If someone wants to organize with others and create a settlement, they'll need to protect the land they use and set up man made rule systems to distribute resources.

The only true anarchists are freegan, foraging, hunting, gathering, scavenging, nomadic people, living in small egalitarian tribes, practicing gift economy, that live in harmony with Nature's infallible resource based economy.

Those that don't practice what they preach are hypocrites and cowards, not anarchists.