I awoke this morning to my Amazon Echo's morning briefing. An enlightening mistake.

Overdramatized headlines are nothing new, but the wording and narrator's emphasis seemed to take every opportunity to attack Trump and appreciate Biden in each of the first several stories, which were all about COVID and impeachment.

These stories may very well be the most important, and Trump may very well be to blame. But it's hard to know, because the truth of these matters has become overshadowed by the emotional response to them. The clearest thing about the headlines wasn't the content itself. It was this news provider's hatred toward Trump.

While media has historically been there to shine light on the events of a society. Today, in general, they have a more intimate role as participants revealing the emotion tearing the society apart.
As consumers, the best thing we can do is not react in kind.

Don't obediently carry on the hate (and counterbalanced favor of Trump's opponents). And don't knee-jerk support Trump just because he's the incessant target of attack.

It's best to step out of that back-and-forth. Join a growing number of those not participating in the breaking apart of society.

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