Butter Cup Family - Macro photography

Butter Cup Family - Macro Photography Experiment

Yellow flower with 5 petals is what I was searching for a name. But I didnt not find the right name of the flower. All I could relate was closest to Butter cup flower family.

The petals are not as thick as actual butter cup flowers. The butter cup flowers are told to be poisonous. And this yellow buddy does not seem to be poisonous.

These flower plants are easily pollinated and propagated with all the mediums like humans, air, water and any other moving thing. Normally attracts lot of bees and small insects for nectar. Butterflies are attracted too. The flowers nectar seems to be sweeter than the sugar in our kitchen. Coz the red ants are found more on these flowers than we find near sugar bowl in Kitchen 😆

These flowers bloom in my parents little garden and they collect some flowers every day for their prayers. Day before yesterday, my Dad had plucked few and had placed them at the entrance. And I happened to pass by with the macro lens. Click it goes.

Here are some macro photographs showing the ants and the closer look at the flower petals











So these are the fun bunch of yellow flowers. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE CALLED ?

Or I was searching with a bad string or a wider search string and failing to filter the exact name.

Camera Used
Samsung S9 with Prosumer Macro lens for smartphones.
Location my parents little garden in Harihar.

About the Macro lens, the lens glasses are made of DSLR camera lens and they cost around $40 - $70. These lens are only for those who love photography unconditionally. Coz only then you can make the most out of these lens. The lens is been sitting idle for more than a year and is put to use now. Hope this takes a better turn and makes my time worth 😊

Hope you all are having a great day. Stay safe and wish you all a sweet weekend 😊

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