Friday is Squirrel Day.


Now how can you not love that little face? Look how happy and thankful he is.

A Happy Friday to all and yes, another week is now history.

Time flies nowadays and I wonder if there are not some hidden winds that are blowing the planet to spin faster lol.
In any case here are some views to enjoy of our @Hive squirrel tribe today. We hope that all of our supporters and friends will have a great Friday.

It was the usual as we arrived home with the car from a charity meeting they came running. Luckily we keep nuts in our pockets at all times.

So each of them selected their normal spots to sit and eat, but the doves also know where they sit and this dove was hoping for a bite.

Oh, I forget, as the squirrel in the first picture lives in the high palm tree and he was sitting here on his patio.

Of course the leader of the family has his own spot and beware any other squirrel that comes near it when he is eating.

I have to say that we seriously miss "Squirry" as she was the grandmother of this lot and sadly we have accepted that she is no more.
I feel for Marian when she opens the door every morning and she hopes that the squirrel waiting for her is Squirry. They had a very close relationship, as squirry used to climb all over Marian and it was so great to see. But since then we have not encouraged close contact with any of the other new squirrel litters.

And That's All Friends!

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS.

We hope that you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post by @papilloncharity

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