Why the alt-right will fail abysmally, even if they get everything they want

This is a reply to the most sophisticated alt-right position that I can find, made by Hans-Herman Hoppe:

White is a term created by progressives to attack successful people.
It has no significance in reality, Arabs and Russians are white too.
The libertarian inclinations are a historical accident, there's no genetics involved.
Libertarian developments in Europe where a response to economic pressures, likely created by the plagues.
Gripping on to a group of people because this accident happened to them is doomed to fail.
It's already failing because those pressures disappeared.

Jews are successful because of their higher IQ.
For centuries they where banned from physical labor while Christians and Muslims where banned from banking or other forms of usery.
No wonder the Jews got good at jobs they where forced into and where given a monopoly in.
No wonder they're etno-centric when for many centuries rulers treated them differently based on their religion.

Instead we need to understand what these pressures are.
It has a lot to do with the historical rise and fall of empires.
Almost every empire in human history has collapsed to its own success as the west is doing now.
This process comes from progressivism, which comes from abundance of resources, which comes from capitalism.
So the causal relationship is 1. capitalism -> 2. abundance of resources -> 3. progressivism -> 4. societal collapse.

So we need to cut this chain somewhere to avoid 4. societal collapse.
I want 2. abundance of resources and think the values of progressivism necessarily lead to the final step.
So the only place I see where we can interrupt this is from step 2 to 3.
Since the level of progressivism/conservatism is greatly affected by how someone grows up:
Book: https://www.amazon.com/Evolutionary-Psychology-Behind-Politics-Conservatism/dp/0982947933/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1514984592&sr=1-1
I think we can do this by raising our children as if there's scarcity of resources.

Which is better for them anyway, because resources are actually scarce, so the progressive lifestyle doesn't work in reality. We can get a preview of how progressives would behave by creating their ideal environment for mice:

Trying to protect private property through the state is like trying to put a screw in a piece of wood with a hammer. Government is evil by definition, through such evil means only evil ends can be achieved:

So by definition, the state cannot be the solution to these problems. It's really a demon you won't be able to control. All you can do with it is make it stronger or weaker.

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