#AlphabetHunt Letter E.

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Hello my dear friends from the hive and the alphabet hunters.

Today I am participating for the first time in this contest of my friend @ barbara-orenya which I think is fantastic because it helps you think, research and search among your things.

The mechanics are as follows: each week a letter of the alphabet will be given, the one that corresponds, and from there you will photograph 6 articles or things that start with that letter. You make a brief description of the photo and voila. Remember that they must be photos of you, not from the internet.

As you saw in the main photo, I have already gathered my objects and I will go on to describe.

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What woman doesn't have a pair of earrings in her purse? Flirty woman, always. I tell you that I am in another country and I brought mine from my house. They always make you look better when you go to a party or always. I always have them on, I sleep with them because they don't bother me.

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The eyeliner is another object that we women have in a purse in a separate bag, that of makeup.

I confess that I do not do much makeup, but when I do, this is one of the objects that I use. Many times I have to throw it almost new because it expires without almost using it.
The ones in the photo are of brush and pencil, there are also some down, which is a small foam rubber that has at the tip, it is the one that I like the most.

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This is a sewing material, I have it because I know how to sew and I bought it because I needed it to repair one that was already expired.

The elastic loses its elasticity and must be replaced by a new one.

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Earthenware is a construction material, it is used in all areas of the house, buildings, inside and outside of them.

Of course, there are earthenware for bathrooms that are special because they are anti-slip.

Its main production base is clay and they are available in any hardware store. Mexican earthenware is very beautiful for its coloring. With them beautiful drawings are made.

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Glasses are essential for people who have problems with their vision, I have been using them (I still do not get used to them) for about 15 years when they were formulated by the optometrist.

I use them all day because I don't see well up close, but the doctor told me that I also need them from a distance, although it seems to me that I see well at a distance. He knows.

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This is another item that we carry in our makeup bag. I already told you that I don't usually put on makeup, only once in a while. I remember that when I was 18 I already put on makeup by authorization of my mother and I used to apply blue shadow to the entire eyelid of the eye, it contrasted with my green eyes lol. People asked me who had made up for me, always.

Well friends, up to here were my 6 things or objects that are written and start with the letter E. If you liked the challenge and want to participate, here is the link:


All photographs are my property.They were created especially for the #alphabethunt challenge.

Until the next Alphabet Hunters Challenge.

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