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The power of Aloha/ Why steemit is for me!

I was a member of another pay for participation site called Bubblews. It was a God send for me because I at the time had no way to make an income. It was after all my turn to be with our daughter and frankly Honor's mom was able to bring home more bacon. I was shocked how fast I started being able to cash out as I at the time didn't think I would ever. The truth is I accidentally stumbled onto the key to getting followers and the key to following.

On Bubblews the real power was in comments and I stumbled onto it because I had no expectation of becoming rich. In fact I joined as something to do while my three year old was napping. Thus I only followed those who produced content I was interested in. This targeted people who were interested in the kind of content I produced which created a kind of leverage of my time. I loved the interaction so much that when I had enough to cash out I nearly fainted. Kind of funny huh.

Though I didn't mastermind a plan to be successful on Bubblews the interaction and the fact that I loved it so much created a situation where I was no matter what meter stick you use. I do have to admit it never was enough to do more than by cigs or milk and cereal when we really needed it. It did however fulfill a large part of the needed interaction. Then it was destroyed.

The greed in the current system is such that we don't have law that everyone has to follow. Right isn't mighty or even moral nor is it promoted unless you don't have. If you don't have it is unethical for you to steal, lie, cheat and manufacture consent. If you are rich such considerations will make you poor. So the choice isn't a choice at all and financial slavery is the name of the game. Thus we the people need to come together and using the most powerful force I have ever encountered; we need to make a change.

What is that force you ask? That force is Aloha, which means love. It is what the Hawaiian people greet each other with and leave each other with. The entire planet is richer for the social genius of the Hawaiian's. Such social cultural context creates the environment of care from the beginning and enjoins one to be careful. It reminds us our power together. It reminds us how we want to be treated. It reminds us we are all human and make mistakes. If there is magic in the world then Aloha is the magic word. Finally it creates more of itself with every pronouncement and it binds us to one another as it should be.

Again I didn't come up with aloha, just as I didn't mastermind a plan for Bubblews. I am grateful that I seem to have the ability to recognize greatness. Which brings me to why I joined Steemit. Here on steamit we create life energy and we are encouraged to transform it into Aloha. Most importantly it is the system itself that is leveraging Aloha. That power that will turn truth into the hammer that breaks the financial chains of slavery. No violence needed. Just truth and a lot of aloha. That is the world I want to leave to those whom I love.

So here I am. Aloha everyone!
