Alive and Thriving Challenge 2/23/2023- Really Putting in the Hard Work and Focusing on the End Goal


Good afternoon members of the alive community. I've been writing this week about all the things going on in my life and how I appreciate my growth. Hard work and smart implantation are key attributes when moving towards a goal. We start with the end in mind and then we define steps in our pursuit.

In order to thrive we have to put it in work. All of God's creatures work hard for what they have. In nature, many animals spend their entire waking day and survival mode looking for calories and trying to figure out how to make their nest.

In order to thrive we have to have goals and we have to make consistent progress towards the end game. Much like many animals, we need to focus on our daily survival tasks but we also have to work hard on goals that may take longer to achieve.

Recently, I've been working on entrepreneurial pursuits and my full-time job. It's really important to note that keeping your energy levels high with good diet is key when you're working multiple roles.

The first step I do when I have a big project or pursuit is writing an actual plan. What gets written gets done, and studies have shown this to be true again and again. Write your goals down in a place that they are visible to you, so when you're working hard you see what the end goal will be. As steps to your written plan and on the top of that plan make sure to have the end goal written down in one sentence. My goal is to have an online sales revenue of $100,000 per year in the next 3 years. The steps I have taken and will soon take our written in bullet points underneath it to show me what I've done how far I've come and where I'm going to be going.

Another key thing to hard work is self care. I make sure to exercise and go to the gym at least twice a week. Diet is so cute and eating a diet high in fiber and vitamins and nutrient dense foods is absolutely essential.

I feel alive and thriving when I know I'm moving towards my goals. I'm wishing you the best and thank you for reading.

#alive #aliveandthriving #wearealive

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