Alive and Thriving 3/5/2023- Keeping the Faith

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Keeping the faith is important to thriving in this life. Faith is belief in an ideal that guides our actions even when times are hard. In abundance or squalor, faith guides our actions and intentions.

Whatever you undertake any endeavor, you need backing that comes from belief.

I believe in my abilities, that God is good and has my back and that my community and work group will back me up. I am someone who has not been inclined to trust others, and have been working on this. Trust and faith are similar, but faith is what we rely upon, and is the underpinning of our journey in this life. We should build and monitor trust in others and institutions, but faith brings us through the hard times in this life.

Keep working to build up your faith in humanity. Don't assume others will try to "screw you over" as I once did. Most people want to help and do a quality job, so give them the benefit of the doubt. Many people are overwhelmed in today's world, and this can look like shady behavior.

Learning to have faith in God and letting go is something that has helped me to thrive. God has my back, and I should glorify him with my actions. Let your work be an act of worship and put your effort in to see true results. God wants us to use our talents to help others and he wants to bless us using these unique gifts. I have prayed and worked and found I am analytical and empathetic, and my strength can be seen in my patience. What are your gifts you can use? Have faith and seek God and he will show you.

Thanks for reading my blog. Keep the faith in these challenging times and live in abundance.

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