I Am Alive Challenge - 1/18/22

I am writing on a break at work. I would like to be more regular in posting. Create a daily habit for 90 days. I am trying to do some other daily activities for 90 days that I thought would benefit me. I am practicing the Sedona Method, a self help technique. I want to study the Bible, exercise, play guitar, and work on creating videos. I plan only on doing 5 minutes of each, more if I am motivated, but 5 minutes isn’t much time and makes doing them all easier to accomplish.

So I started yesterday but everyone starts out gung ho and then fizzle out, especially me. So I plan on using Hive to keep me accountable.

So I am falling behind today but at least I got posting for today done. I also wrote a script for a video. I will try to keep you updated on how I do and how my life is improving. I am sure it will.

I am alive and doing well.

Take care everyone,



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