Alive + Larry is ALIVE

As every day , we continue to accumulate ALIVE tokens for those who delegate them to us . We aim to have 150 in liquidity before distributing them to our ALIVE delegators .

As every day, we continue to accumulate ALIVE tokens for those who delegate them to us. We aim to have 150 in liquidity before distributing them to our ALIVE delegators .

Currently, we have 66 + 44 pending claims , but we will only be able to claim them tonight. We’ve already done so within the last 24 hours .

Today , we once again engaged in some small activities in the game “ Larry is alive . ” . We did a little more than usual because this cold Sunday afforded us more time than usual .

Here are the 4 activities we completed :

We started with 34 laps on CTPX .
Next , we visited LEADSLEAP and watched 10 advertisements .
Then , we took a quick tour of LISTNERDS to read our emails .
Finally , we wrapped up by watching 50 advertisements on TRAFFICADBAR .


Thank you to everyone for following us . Delegate your ALIVE tokens , vote , or assist us in any other way. Your support greatly contributes to the progress of our projects . 🙌 🌟

We wish you all a great weekend , and we’ll see you next time for the continuation of our online activities !

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