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today's worktable

This is today's workplace. In my daily AliveAndThriving efforts, I have resorted to buying action figures as a hobby and distraction. And it has become a habit to display them and pose them around regularly to provide recreation and enjoyment. They have been a delight since the collection grew steadily for the past few years.

These are the ones on display today: Warhammer 40,000's Necron Warrior, The Clown, and USS Prometheus from Star Trek Voyager. At the background are the still-sealed X-Men three-pack Meggan, Captain Britain (not visible), and Shadowcat, and the new variant of The Witcher's Ciri.

Johnny Quick is taking a peek from below, and the bogling is hanging out from above.

Glad to be alive and well today. Hoping to do the same tomorrow and for the days to come.