IAAC - Day 101 Normal feels low after a high

Today is Thursday, September 9th and I am happy to be alive.

I normally take photos of the sunset and share on Noise.cash This evening started out as usual. I went out at the normal time however the Sunset to me seemed a little boring. There were a few wisps of clouds over the hills in the horizon with some color. I guess after the very colorful sunsets I have seen over the past week or two, a normal average sunset seems less impressive. Don't get me wrong, it is still a beautiful sunset.

Have you ever been on an emotional high and then when you return to your normal levels it seems lower than you it really is? Everybody likes the high feeling.

A little later, I went outside and the moon was setting (2nd photo. The moon was reflecting the last of the sun's ray and had a reddish tint to it. The photo is a little grainy but you can also see a few stars in addition to the moon.


Red Moon with stars.PNG

I am taking part in the #IAmAliveChallenge. The 4 basic points to take part in the #IAmAliveChallenge are:

IAAC guidelines.png

For more information please refer to their guide at https://www.wearealiveand.social/hive-155221/@wearealive/we-are-alive-tribe-the-guide

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