Super family time and empty report. Lol


Nine Hundred and Ninety Two.

Random thoughts today. I slept till 9:30 am this morning. I have not done that in I don't know how many years. I believe I needed some sleep. Lol

I am at my granddaughters house. Having a lovely time. Just finished breakfast 😋

The biggest debate I had was to bring my lap top or not. LISTNERDS addiction is real. And that is a fantastic thing. But I decided I can get caught up tonight or tomorrow.

It is no good to work your ass off without family time. That being said I also don't believe in excessive family time that interferes with the ability to support them. It is a balance.

Become a booming success and you will have plenty of time, extra time for family.

So maybe tonight or tomorrow I will be back to my normal routine.

Till then join me on ListNerds.


All from my mobile phone today.

Have a super positive day


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