Keep striving...


When life trips us up, let's use that fall to bounce off the ground and rise higher than where we were standing.

When Fate throws an obstacle in our path let's use it as a step ladder to climb further than we had planned.

When the Universe delivers us pain, let's turn it into fuel for the fire that will propel us into the stars.

With every fall, let's rise higher. With every defeat, let's fight stronger. With every loss, let's love more passionately.

That's how we win.


We could be giving it all we've got and yet not be seeing any results. Easy to get demotivated and give up. No way. Let's not even go there.

Life is a long journey. There's no fixed age or prescribed time by when we have to get to the winners podium. Happens early for some folks, later for others. We don't know what our script is or when things will take off.

But take off they will if we keep at it. Perseverance and constant striving are the key. Let's learn to enjoy the journey rather than the desired outcomes. Any case the journey is life long, the results are ephemeral.

And why would we not keep doing our best? What else do we have to do, anyway? image

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