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Understanding Markdown editing for your blog posts.

Image Source

Hello everyone. So, we've had "my-niche" contest on for a while and am telling you, the last contest held on wednessday was superb with over 21 different posts. The contribution was just so much and the fun never ending, different post with different views kept coming. Believe me when I tell you this, the hype for Christmas is high and the current increase in price of sbd steem dollar just made Christmas a whole lot more special and the jubilation this festive season is one to talk about for years to come. So, if you missed the last contest, you missed a lot, but don’t worry the review/recap will be uploaded anytime soon.

Here with you today is still my humble self @otemzi. From our last contest, We had an observation oft

After viewing more than 15 different posts, we found out that most of the new users are yet to fully grasp the idea of markdown editing style and we wish to approach and address this today and be as elaborate as possible. So, if by the end of this write-up you are still yet to understand it, then feel free to chat us up at Telegram

Let’s kick off

What you are expected to learn from this are but not limited to

  • How to bold your words
  • How to Italize your text
  • How to bold and italize your words
  • How to center your words/Images
  • How to quote a text
  • How to embed a link
  • How to increase the size of words
  • How to underline text
  • How to punctuate your text
  • How to strike a word

And so much more, if any comes to mind while making this tutorial.

How to bold your words

So if you are used to MSword typing format, this is quite more or less the same but rather than select options to input the special characters, we make use of short keys and quite easy to remember if I do say so myself.
So let’s make it somewhat more interesting would post pictures illustrating this symbol, so as to better explain
it and not to confuse us.
1.JPG|Put your word or sentence in here
So, that’s easy right?

How to italize your word

Well this also not difficult, all that’s required of you is to input this special key somewhat familiar with the first one and you get the italize word.
2.JPG|Put your word or sentence in here

How to bold and italize your words

So this is a combination of both above and the best part about markdown editing style, is that you are able to combine more than two different special keys to get whatsoever you desire, cool right? So how to do this just follow the image below as usual.
3.JPG|Put your word or sentence in here

How to centeralize your words/Images

Well this is a little bit complicated but not too complicated and this applies to both images as well as words.

Put your word/Image link in here

How to quote a text

Reason for this is that usually, when you get a work online and would like to give a ref. to the original author, you input this key, this is quite easy as it only involves one key

You get the below

Put your word in here

How to embed a link

So you probably know what it means to embed a link, but if you don’t know, this is what it is. Lets say you uploaded a picture and would like to source it. To do this you need to paste the url aaddress leading to where you got the image from and sometimes they can be a little long and also make your work no longer beautiful but with the above, you will be able to hide the link behind a word of your chosen say something like this
Want to drop a link that leads to facebook instead of typing I would do this
and you get this
As you can see from the above, the url link is hidden behind the Facebook word which is now clickable, so the same goes for image source, just replace the words respectively as you choose

How to increase the size of words

Sometime you want your sentence or word to be quite different from others, probably you want to make it more visible to the audience, to do this
and you get this






From the above you see the number of # sign determines the size of the word in front of it

How to underline text

Say you trying to make a heading and word like to underline for whatever reason you wished for, all that's required of you is
so you get this


How to punctuate your text

From the list above you probably saw this and if you don’t know it came about, you should be wondering how by now. Well it’s not that difficult quite easy I must say
and we get

  • If and Only If

How to strike a word

So I've used this once or more since I started this tutorial and it's somewhat eye catchy if I do say so myself and the best part is that it’s quite easy
and you get this
Laughter is the best Medicine

So, many other editing styles can be gotten and the above is quite the necessary of at all but other ones can be gotten from here.
Click me to learn more

So guys remember if any confusion you can ask via the comment box and I would gladly explain further but you can also catch me at Telegram when you get there just quote my name @otemzi and I would be sure to assist you if possible. There are other interesting sets of individuals there if I do say so myself and it’s a place like no other so do check up on us and am sure you will be amazed.

Thanks for your time and happy weekend
