The history of martial arts in China./在中国军事艺术的历史。

Being one of the oldest civilizations, China has a thousand years of experience in martial arts. But until the last century, China was a closed country. For the Chinese, all the neighbors of the Middle States were considered barbarians ../作为最古老的文明之一,中国有一千多年的习武经验。但直到上个世纪,中国是一个封闭的国家。对于中国,中东国家的所有邻居被认为是野蛮人..

Neighboring Japan before last century was able to overcome its isolation and take a giant leap forward in its development. For these reasons, a long time specialists interested in the martial art of Japan.
After World War II the popularity of judo has become, which is pushed into the background the traditional Western forms of struggle. Fifteen years later, becoming a mass sport, judo has been losing appeal.
Soon it was imported from Japan, a new kind of struggle "absolute" efficiency-karate-do ( "the way of the fight unarmed hand").
In the 70 years it has become fashionable to Kung Fu, Aikido and soon came to the west.
Finally, the interest is transferred from Japan to China, from the student to the "teacher" to the source./上世纪前邻国日本能够克服其隔离,并在其发展需要一个巨大的飞跃。由于这些原因,很长一段时间的专家感兴趣日本的军事艺术。第二次世界大战后的柔道的普及已成,其推入背景斗争的西方传统形式。十五年后,成为群众体育,柔道已经失去了吸引力。不久,它是从日本,一种新的斗争“绝对”效率空手道(以下简称“打非武装的手的方式”)的进口。在70年里,它成为时尚功夫,合气道很快就来到了西部。最后,兴趣转移从日本到中国,从学生到“老师”的来源。

Ju Jutsu ("flexible way"), from which later emerged judo ("flexible way") - is historically the first reflection of Chinese martial arts in Japan. The main, but not the only means of which the cast.
Karate is both perceived and processed for themselves martial arts peasants of Okinawa. Here, the means-beats, although there are few throws and painful holds./菊忍术(“灵活的方式”),从后来出现柔道(“灵活的方式”) - 是历史上日本的中国武术的第一反映。为主,但不是唯一的该铸件的装置。空手道都认为,为自己冲绳的武术农民处理。这里,该装置-节拍,虽然有几个引发和痛苦的成立。

The third and last time, a reflection of the Chinese schools in the Japanese martial art -aykido. The ideal of aikido, the highest art of humanity-so spend a duel, the striker refused to aggression without receiving damage. This style of fighting with the lowest power consumption when used against the attacker by its own energy.
Japan from a single martial art, characteristic of China, has created a more narrow, specific directions, judo, karate, aykido..Sravnivaya their rationality, efficiency, one of the best Asian masters Tu An Ding said: "Judo is for all, karate - for the selected, aikido just for intellectuals. "/第三次,也是最后一次,中国的学校在日本武术-aykido的反映。合气道的理想的,最高艺术人类,所以花决斗,前锋拒绝侵略没有收到损伤。这种风格由它自身的能量对抗,攻击者使用时功耗最低的战斗。日本从单一的门派,中国的特征,创造了一个更窄的,具体的方向,柔道,空手道,aykido..Sravnivaya其合理性,效率,最好的亚洲大师之一屠岸丁说:“柔道是所有,空手道 - 所选,合气道只是知识分子“。

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