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AI Technology deeply integrated into our daily activities - By: @CreativeBlue



Hello dear readers, we are going to play a song that we have all heard about at some time; but perhaps we do not know enough despite how close it is to our living environment.

Sometimes some things go unnoticed by our eyes; maybe because we do not pay enough attention or because we do not ask too many questions about it.

In other cases, the complexity of their concept is difficult to understand, such as:

When we use our smart equipment in a Market Place Online; which as if by magic, just to see our user profile and our customer preferences, direct us to the product we are looking for.

Interesting, eh!

Maybe one of these cases may have happened to you

A few days ago I received in my Steemit blog a message from a partner, which read:

"Hi, I'm a bot upvote created by @user and I just uploaded it. He sent me to say Hello! ",

At first I was a little surprised because I was not used to that kind of comments. Then I said, I'll have time to find out what it's about!

Similarly, I find another similar message in one of my weekly reviews, which says:

"This post has been sent for the writing contest sponsored by @user!..."

Every time I receive this comment I would like the time to pass quickly to know the results of my participation. Then I answer him; "Thank you Bot"

Also, every time I make a transfer to my bank account I receive in my email and cell phone:

"Your transfer has been successful, thanks for using our smart portal"

I can see the efficiency of the banking systems to provide timely responses to the client and all the advanced technology behind their platform.

Right, just as you thought!

Let's talk about Artificial Intelligence. A computer technology that is increasingly integrated into our lives and allows us to improve daily tasks, in addition to its various uses in industry, medicine, science, education, among others.

A simple definition to understand what is AI (Artificial Intelligence):

"They are machines capable of carrying out tasks or activities proper to human beings"

Ok, that sounds good!

But to hear it and say it, it is very easy; however there is a very broad and sophisticated process behind AI, which includes computer design, software programming, data storage, AI algorithms, physical stereotypes, machine learning disciplines or Machine Learning, among others.


Let's see how some sites that I have visited on the Web define AI.

"Artificial intelligence is the concept for machines that 'think like human beings'; in other words, they perform tasks such as: reasoning, planning, learning and understanding the language" salesforce latinoamerica

AI is very effective for marketing; it can be used for the recognition of images and draw conclusions that allow identifying the preferences of the client. It also has applications in robotics creating machines that intervene in the industry imitating actions commonly carried out by humans, contributing to the increase of production and reducing labor risk.

"We can understand an artificial intelligence as those algorithms that materialize in computer programs that, in turn, run on a specific hardware, and that seek to imitate the mode of operation of the human brain" def ABC

Its ability to learn, makes systems can evolve on their own over time without the need for human intervention, through a process called "Machine Learning". From the initial programmed data, the system can autonomously identify increasingly complex patterns.

"Artificial intelligence (AI) is the yin and Blockchain is the yang of the digital business. While the first one helps us to value, understand, recognize and decide; blockchain helps us verify, execute and register. While machine learning methods that are part of artificial intelligence help us find opportunities and improve decision making, smart contracts and Blockchain technologies can automate the verification of transactional parts of the process" IA and Blockchain

Blockchain technology relies on AI to develop complex processes and influence assertive decisions that reduce the margin of human error; allowing a greater efficiency in operations, a more complete experience for the user, as well as the scalability of the system.

In some cases, the AI is used to automate the services of some platforms, contributing with real-time decision making in favor of the operation of the supply chain (in the case of production companies); they are capable of making adjustments, taking corrective and predictive measures, for the evolution of systems and facing future situations. Guaranteeing performance, reducing losses and improving quality.

Computer systems programmed for artificial intelligence are computers loaded with important data, obtained from human experience. These data allow the decision making and the resolution of problems according to alternatives based on logic.

It should be noted that the AI feeds information that comes from human intelligence, therefore the guideline that governs this magnificent technology will always depend on the orders imposed by man and its purpose will point to the degree of awareness and purposes for which they have been created.


Let's know the AI technological base

Machine Learning:

Let us know this aspect that governs the AI and to which is due the characteristic that most resembles the human beings "The ability to learn".

Machine Learning is a discipline capable of creating a system that learns automatically.

It is an algorithm capable of reviewing and analyzing data that predict future behavior; with the passage of time, the machine accumulates enough historical information which it takes advantage of to develop more complex behaviors.

Machine learning makes the machine get some knowledge mole; which is grouped in growth, restructuring and adjustment, similar to the behaviors and mental processes of man.

Basically they are responsible for acquiring and storing information loaded with data that come from real experience with the world around us; Thanks to the application of the algorithms, the machine will be able to reason and generate new knowledge in response; finally it is able to reorganize all the information creating a final decision that generates one or several own knowledge.

This knowledge will always come and be supervised by the creative individual (man), therefore the machine provided with AI despite being programmed to evolve, can never exceed human knowledge.


But let's continue improving our knowledge about AI

Let's talk about the main features.

  • Compliant systems: This feature indicates that the AI can only work according to previously loaded commands. The learning process is conditioned on the information provided and cannot exceed its functions to higher limits beyond the tasks entrusted.

  • Precision in calculations: stored computer data handle rigorous statistical methods based on probabilities, which allow the execution of tasks with a high level of precision that reduce the margin of error. In addition, the AI does not suffer from the physical or mental fatigue of the human being, which sometimes leads him to commit faults and inaccuracies when performing tasks.

  • It has restrictions: The man and his accumulation of experience is able to understand the purposes of life and draw goals with a vision of the future. Meanwhile, the machine is limited to the application of algorithms that execute tasks according to a limited cycle of previously configured orders. In the end, his work must be completed by the action of man.

  • The AII has no conscience or emotions: The activities carried out by the AI are of utmost importance, but it should be noted that they act automatically according to the coding entered in their system. They cannot express opinions, or complain, or even revolt, because they are not aware of what they are doing, they just follow orders.

They are unable to feel. They do not perceive the world in the same way as humans; it cannot manifest any kind of reaction that involves feelings or emotions about the work, about the people, or about the world that surrounds them.


Some uses of AI in everyday life.

  • Personal Assistants: When you use some Web services on your PC, or when you install an operating system such as Windows; without noticing you may be using AI.

Some search assistants such as Google Chrome; they are usually programmed with your user habits to speed up the management of search engines, so the more you use the service, the better your user experience will be.

Other common systems, such as the security system "Capcha", determines through the identification of images, the behavior of the user to know that it is a human identity and not a programmed robot.

Other actions such as, determining weather conditions, congestion of traffic routes, establishment of critical routes by GPS systems; It can also be AI on your PC or smart computer, the system uses learning algorithms that feed on the user's knowledge and habits to identify their environment and thus issue some recommendation.

  • Customer Service: Companies have made significant progress in improving customer service. IVR systems (interactive voice response), are increasingly integrated into the market and their use is efficient.

Able to interact with the client through telephone communication and dialing options with the keyboard.

  • Regulation of Energy Consumption: Smart devices iPhone and smartphones with Android operating system save power of agreements to the data provided by the user with their usual use.

Manage battery consumption which translates into electricity savings since the frequency for recharging will be lower.

Companies such as Google have reduced their electricity bill by up to 40%, optimizing consumption in their Data Centers.


The uses of AI that figure in our life environment are incalculable; other applications such as: Intelligent security camera systems, photo management, autonomous vehicles, financial analysis, monitoring and control of habits to detect potential fraud, detection of symptoms of some diseases, medical diagnostics, video games, robotics, among others . They are some of the contributions of artificial intelligence to the current society which are perfectly suited to the needs of human beings and make our lives more comfortable and efficient.

Thanks for your
kind attention

We hope you have had a pleasant and contributing reading to your knowledge about AI (Artificial Intelligence)

See you soon ...


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