AGFAcademy | Drill #2; Control and Passing


We (Team Andre) are so glad to be bringing you more words from AGFAcademy. A few days ago, we introduced the first drill and today we will be introducing the next drill which is basically the second basic skill that you will be learning from the academy.

Passes are really of no use if control is lacking. Whenever a player passes the ball, it is important that the next player gets the ball in the right condition in such a way that he/she doesn’t lose the ball to the opposing team. This is why Andre has made it a point to show you basic ball controls right after he showed you how to pass the ball.

you will not always have to be the one passing the ball… it is important to learn basic ball control for every time you will be receiving the ball from another player passing to you.

Kudos to the active participants

Are you curious? It is not difficult to learn. Before I show you the video to the drill I would like you to bring you some updates on how the academy is doing in the various locations of the world. We have received over 15 contributions since the last update; kudos to the Indonesian and Nigerian communities, they have so much love for the game. We hope to see more participation from lovers of football from all over the world.

Andre has so much in his mind to show you just to make you the complete footballer you have always wanted to be and he will also be aiding you financially through upvotes (just make sure your videos and drills are improving daily and of course backed by quality contents). Don’t also forget to send the word out there about what Andre is doing so more football lovers can benefit from it from all over the world.

The second drill

Control and Passing

What you are doing basically, is passing the ball with one foot and controlling it back with the other foot (your weaker foot). This drill also involves the applications the in-step pass. In other words, you will be practising the control and in-step pass at the same time. I hope you have a great time learning this from Andre. It is very simple, all you need to do is; watch Andre, practice the drill, do your own video.

Andre Gray will deliver the most important components of formal football training to talented and passionate players of football all over the world using the STEEM blockchain.

All you need to do to get involved;

  1. Visit AGFacademy
  2. Watch the first drills & skills video uploaded by Andre.
  3. Practice the drill.
  4. And then record a video of yourself performing the drill.
  5. Upload the video to either YouTube or DTube.
  6. Visit the AGFacademy website again, log into the portal, and paste your video link. You can also use the portal to add text and other images to your post. You can also include a personal thank you message for Andre to read.
  7. Ensure that you use the #agfacademy in order to qualify for upvotes from Andre.

You can also assist in increasing the number of beneficiaries by sharing the post on your social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others.

This is a hint to what an excellent AGFA video should look like;

  1. Say hello to Andre.
  2. Introduce yourself.
  3. Open by stating that you are doing this for AGFacademy and close by thanking Andre personally.
  4. Record a footage of yourself doing the drills in the instruction video (best if you get a friend to handle the camera for you).
  5. Add the AGFacademy logo to your video and blog.

Rules for Upvotes

If your video is interesting and of high quality, it will definitely receive an upvote from Andre Gray. The very best videos might even receive much larger upvotes also called the “Premiership Upvote” from Andre. The videos could also be re-shared on Andre’s own social media handles.

Thank you for reading, keep looking forward to more drill from Andre as we progress or kindly visit the links below to find out more about Andre Gray Football Academy.

AGFacademy Website

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