Afrin Today

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While it is devastating to see images of Turkish military flashing the Grey Wolves signal in Afrin, as Jihadists and ISIS terrorists roam and loot the city, we must not forget the bigger picture. While these terrorists and invaders are busy with looting and burning house they fail to realize that they have lost their greatest strategic advantage in this war: the airstrikes.

The airstrikes were having a devastating impact on civilians and causing massive damage to lives and homes. Now that Afrin has been evacuated the Turkish airstrikes can no longer have the effect they had. With the YPG declaring the commencement of a guerrilla warfare, the war will now be in the streets, houses and alleyways of Afrin.

In reality with the supposed "hand over" of Afrin, luring Turkish forces into the city, creating a false sense of safety and the notion that the war is "won", while evacuating the city has ensured that the YPG restructured the situation to their advantage. Naturally losing parts of Afrin was not ideal, but this is a brutal and bloody war brought to Afrin's doorstep by a violent, fascist, ultra-nationalist dictator.

Not only that, the YPG single-handedley stopped the effectiveness of the airstrikes without having to barter or compromise with complicit imperialists. Considering the international silence and lack of condemnation over indiscriminate Turkish airstrikes and the fact that no government had the courage or will to force a stop to this issue; to manage to render the enemy's only advantage redundant speaks for a certain level of tactical and strategic ingenuity.

Finally in the latest news, 11 occupiers were killed in an explosion inside Afrin city...

Hawzhin Azeez

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