Queen Njinga(a.k.a Nzinga) of Ndongo and Mutumba (now Angola)— The first woman who had 50 concubines.

Queen Njinga(a.k.a Nzinga) of Ndongo and Mutumba (now Angola)— The first woman who had 50 concubines...

Queen Njinga's story began during the Portuguese slave trade, shortly after the demise of her father, King Kiluanji, in 1618. Her brother emerged the throne , but his lack of leadership tactics and skills became visible and apparent. So, he simply gave up, killed himself in 1626, allowing the Portugese to essentially do whatever they wanted with the Angolan population.


And, well, Njinga wasn't about the life of resentment and wasn't ready to live in freight. She took control, assumed the throne, and began her retaliation against the Portuguese oppression. Her ruthlessly independent nature made her a Brilliant Military leader as she organised Guerilla Army to defend her people.
Her independent spirit also meant that instead of finding a man to become the new king, she simply took on the role herself, requiring that she be referred to as “King” not “Queen”. And, like most kings did back then, she amassed herself a large Harem: Hundreds of male concubines kept around solely for her own sexual pleasure. Now, you wouldn't expect a woman of her status to let just any man wet his willy with her- would you?
Of course not; so in order to find the right man for the night, she's choose two and watch them fight to Death. The winner earned the honour of her Royal attention.

Then, in order to prevent him from getting too clingy and attached to her; she'll have him killed the following morning.( Damn, not even a good morning refreshing kiss or hug; Ouch) - The pattern continues for nearly 40 years with her reign during the 1600s; fighting the Portuguese by day and watching guys fight to have sex with her by night. What a Life! Of witful and violent peace.

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