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It's a lie
That you should submit
And that you can't exceed your limit
It's a lie
That you cannot try
That you are meant to consent to his every intent
It's a lie
That you are made to only lie on his bed and to his sexual urge attend
It's a lie
That you cannot be great
That like him you can't eat from the same plate
That it's your fate to wait and serve as a bait to his goals and aspirations
It's a lie
That you cannot have your own dream
That you cannot do it
That you are not fit
That you cannot sweep men off their feet with your wit
That you cannot make them feel the heat each time your lines you spit
It's a lie

So, my dear today, i'm here to tell you that your kind is rare
That you are unique
That your ink can birth words that will sink into the minds of generations
That you can overcome, perform, run, have fun and at the same time deliver
You are that messiah
The one we've been waiting for
The wait is over
Come on take over
Get up the ladder
Be a sister
Help a brother
Be a leader
A mother
An agent of change
And more importantly a human.

Kayode's Perfect Words Executing Solace Hierarchichally!