"The end of the world is here and I must choose between my boyfriend and my Ex" – Using our dreams to make decisions.

Excerpt: Dreams can really help us to make choices in life. A dream once helped me to make a business decision. Here, the dreamer created a drama-scenario in order to make her feel what she really wants, with whom she wants to live. See below for some tips about using your dreams for decision making

In my dream, I found myself in a room with my ex, waiting for the end of the world to come. Suddenly I have a strong feeling that I want to be with my current partner when the end comes, that I want to die next to him and not with my ex. I am running to look for him and arrive at his house, but he is not at home. On the bed there is a photo album, I open it to find many pictures of vast Anemone carpets. When he arrives, we roll two cigars together, stand and smoke them, and wait for the end of the world to come. What do the anemones mean in the dream?

I am 29 years old, and I have been in the current relationship for the past year and we have just moved in together. I dream of the ex rarely, once a year or so, I am longing for him, the relationship with him was not good and certainly not as pleasant as my current one. Do you have any insights?


Credit: Baltasar Vischi

First of all, the fact that you still dream about your Ex needs to be addressed.

Not that it's a bad thing, but unless you invite him there's no reason for him to remain in your energetic field. And the fact is that you *do *invite him else you would not have dreamed of him. The question is why, and this question only you can answer (I do not know the nature of your past relationship).

Here are some tips for your query: ask yourself - what role did he play in your life? What is his main characteristic? Was he, for example, an aggressive man? Or, conversely, was he too passive? Once you make it clear to yourself who he has been for you, you can know why he is reappearing in your dreams. Do note though that when the dreams come, you do not dream of "him" but rather you allow an aspect of you to surface. This aspect is a part of your personality that wants to deliver a message for you to contemplate in your waking time.

As for the anemones - what do you feel? As for myself, it makes me feel good, to feel nature, flowering, growth and blooming in contrast to the "end of the world" scenario that you described in relation to your relationship with the ex. In other words, you can see in the dream a message that the previous relationship was over, it had no hope (because it led to "the end of the world"), while the current relationship distinctively leads to blooming. The precise interpretation of anemones requires knowing your inner pool of associations, what concerns you, and so forth. But for now, I see it as a symbol of blossom.

One thing to note – it seems you have a debate within yourself, a dilemma, whether to choose your current boyfriend or your ex. You are still not whole-heartily sure about your current boyfriend and therefore needed to create that "end of the world" drama in order to realize what you feel about him, to make a clear choice.

A very good dream that serves you well. You are a powerful creator. For the future, though, you may want to reach a decision with less drama 😊

Here is how you can also harness your dreams to make an important decision:

Let's say you are debating within yourself about something important, like where to live, how to solve an emotional problem, and this issue preoccupies your mind quite a lot. You can ask for advice from your dreaming self. How? When you go to sleep, lie in your bed, contemplate the problem for a little bit, without stressing and fretting or worrying. Then, give yourself the following suggestion:

"In my dreams tonight I will receive a guidance about my dilemma regarding [x], and in the morning when I wake up I will know what to do".

Repeat this sentence to yourself three times. (You can do less/more; for most people, three times works just fine).

What to look for? In the morning you may remember a dream in which you clearly knew what you want and what to do, much like the dreamer above. If nothing comes up, breathe in deeply, and tell yourself that the answer will come to you during the day. Release the dilemma from your thoughts as much as possible (this is important!), and Trust yourself that the answer will come.


Tomorrow I will publish the details about the contest. Stay tuned!
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