One photo a day challenge (262/365) all year long

Yesterday afternoon, my cousin and I went out to an adventure park. It is called 'Terrapin Adventures' and it's located in an area called Savage, Maryland. I have to say I love that name, Savage.
So we arrived and had to do zip lining. But before doing that, we had to go through a "tight rope walk " area. I saw this guy trying to make it across that area and he froze . His daughter (probably 7 or 8 years old) below was so embarrassed and wanted him to get it over with. It was quite funny.
So while I was watching and laughing. I thought it was easy till I got up there and got scared too. I also thought zip lining would be fun for me but I didn't like it too much. This made me realize that I don't like shaky surfaces. I think it's about not having control of the situation that scares me. I didn't feel too safe doing the zip lining. My cousin on the other hand thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, she said it wasn't a long enough distance.

Later on, I decided to do the rock climbing part. Now, that's the part that I totally enjoyed. I like to think I'm pretty good at it too. I reached the top on all the climbing challenges and most people quit. IMG_2626.JPG
Doesn't this look like something built in someone's backyard for fun? That to me looks like the making of a fun and adventurous childhood. I honestly loved climbing right from my childhood. My brothers and I would climb over pretty tall fences. We also climbed trees. It was fun then and it still is.
This other challenge area is for kids. IMG_2618.JPG
I will surely be going back to do more of the climbing part. Also it's very safe cause we got to wear the safety belts and helmets. Also the staff was with us the whole time, encouraging us to reach the top when we were almost giving up.

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