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You work daily and have no time left to spend the money you make.

lol! That would be nice!

...Unless you find utmost joy in working for your employer and make your work the meaning of your life (what every employer would love to see),...

I’m owner is small business. My goal is not only make my customers happy and satisfied, but also appreciate the time of my workers. Unfortunately with all expenses and competitiveness in my trade it’s impossible to give my workers what they actually deserve, not in a long therm. This may lead to less productivity and lower wages. It’s like a domino you can’t avoid.

We very well know that governments print money when there is a need for it.

That’s what I’m concerned about the most. It not only destroys the value of our currency, It also increases the inflation. Today we can witness price increases in everyday necessities and at the same time the wages are staggering. Most people would tell you they don’t feel their time is really appreciated and blame it on employer. In most cases, it’s just not true.
When you mentioned guaranteed income, it’s nice for people just to imagine it. In long therm I don’t believe it’s the right solution. People are humans and they tend to become greedy, to want more, to take advantage of situation.
