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Procrastination is an abortion of destiny. Beware!!!


Human beings have always been pain-avoiding creatures. We seek to avoid the things we dislike or that could bring pain to us, and we pursue the things that bring us pleasure and happiness. Oftentimes, this human practice takes form in procrastination.

However, as we procrastinate, by avoiding the things that could be painful to us, we oftentimes end up inflicting more pain on ourselves. Waiting to pay bills, putting off going to the doctor, doing our taxes/homework/projects the night before they are due are all ways we procrastinate that could bring severe consequences. Any yet, why do we still do it?

The reason we procrastinate varies from one individual to another and is not always obvious. Sometimes it is a hidden fear that we don’t want to acknowledge, or it could even be as simple as not wanting to be involved in anything because it just doesn’t motivate us. Whatever the reason may be, if you know you are a procrastinator, be careful: it is far more damaging than you may realize.

Here are the eight most common ways that procrastination can destroy your life:

  1. You will lose precious time
  2. You will blow opportunities
  3. You won’t be able to meet goals
  4. You could ruin your career
  5. You will lower your self-esteem
  6. You will make poor decisions
  7. You will damage your reputation
  8. You will risk your health