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AdSactly Poetry: "Be the One... Change the World”

Be the One... Change the World

Today is another day of “Positive Reinforcement”. A time to face all the bad times and reflect on all the good time. A time to stand up and move forward. A time to leave the past where it is, live for today and plan for the future. Now is the time.

No matter what your struggles have been, you remain strong. Now matter where you once were, you made it through. No matter what obstacles were in your way, you pass through them with courage. You made it here to day and we are here to cheer you on. You have won. Be proud and stand with others who have made it with you.

Our first poem talks about being strong in everything about you. It talks about no matter what others may do to try to break you. They will always fail because, you are a warrior, a strong adversary to be reckoned with. You have been through much and always made it through to the next level of life. You have won.

So stand tall like the mountain and never sway in the eyes of darkness. Never let anyone get between you and your goal to help make the world a better place. Never let anyone stop you from being who you were meant to be. You!!!

This first poem is entitled “You can’t break me”

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“You can’t break me”

Do whatever you will to me,
It truly bares no never mind,
Because no matter what you do
I will stay strong deep down inside.

You can try to make me sad,
You can try to break my will,
But no matter what you do,
I will return each time even stronger still.

You can say what ever you need,
You can speak of me in a negative way,
You can tell your lies about me,
But you can never chase me away.

You can try to break my spirit,
You can try to hurt my pride,
You can try to bring me down with you,
But you can never slow my stride.

You can trash on my religion,
You can trash the way I live,
You can trash my cultural traditions,
Still from my heart I will share and give.

You can try kill my peacefulness,
You may try to frown my smile,
But the only thing you’ll succeed at,
Is make me more happy all the while.

No matter what you do will not break me,
I am much stronger than you may think,
I am peace and love in abundance,
And all of this you can never shrink.

So give up your useless hatred,
Stop all of your sinful ways,
And come to the enlightened side of life,
Where we all can share love always endlessly.

Come join the happy side of the world,
Come join in the grand jubilee,
And let us all live in love everlasting,
In complete peace and harmony

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Now that we have proven to you and shown you who you truly are, a strong warrior who won’t be broken. It is time to educate you in the negatives of life and how they are merely tiny little obstacles that can easily be overcome.

I relate to these little obstacles as a dark cloud that hovers over each of us at times and that it can not stop the sun from shining down on us if we realize this as well. In life, I believe that every big problem is a bunch of little problems all balled up into one. All we need to do is systematically approcah these obstacles one at a time, break them all done, get rid of them and the big problem will go away with less effort than you originally imagined.

It talks about using your insight to look deeply at others in the world and see the beauty and love they carry with them every day. To seek out this love and use it’s powers to get rid of this dark cloud that haunts us all. Asking you, if you were to fall, will you rise again? And then giving positive motivation to bring you to where you should be once more.

This next poem is entitled “We Will Rise, We Will Fall, But will You Stand Again?”

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“We Will Rise, We Will Fall, But will You Stand Again?”

A mysterious dark black cloud,
Is continuously moving around the earth.

Trying to stop the inhabitants living,
From finding their potential value or self worth.

It hovers over each one at random,
Blinding their inner sight to find their way.

It hides them from the power of the sun,
Weakening their enlightened path each day.

It follows them wherever they will go,
Keeping them in the gloom of nothingness.

Like a poisonous gas it takes their breathe,
Making it even harder to walk, to live or to exist.

It keeps you forever in the cold at night,
Spreading it’s illness deep into your body’s veins.

It keeps you tired all through each day,
With each waking in the morning in unleashes it’s pain.

But if you look deep and high into the sky,
You can always find the sun always shining above.

And if you look deep into others hearts,
You will know in your heart you are surrounded by love.

The lesson here are ancient and one we all know,
A wise and powerful wisdom of through times of old.

A lesson how to get around and over in life,
Through all the crazy twist and turns and bumps in our road.

How will you deal with whats in front of you?
We Will Rise, We Will Fall, But will You Stand Again?

Or will you continue to be beaten into the ground,
And let this black cloud take over your life and win?

I know you are strong. I know you are wise.
I know that you have all the power that you will ever need.

Because, I know you have love. I know you have knowledge.
And I know that you will choose right and always will succeed.

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Now on to our last poem. This poem is about “being the one”. The one who will make it through and inspire others to do the same. The one who will stand strong and make clear the path for others to follow. It ask many questions and gives a final answer of strength.

And then it let’s you know that the ones who will try to stop this progress of positive action will be the ones who will be alone in the end if they continue on their destructive path. We must all take care of each other better. We must all help where we can. We must all stand together and inspire peace, happiness and love where ever we may roam. We must be the one always. Then and only then will we begin to see the change for the better. Be a part of that change for the better. And carve a road of success for many others to do the same. This poem is entitled “Have You Ever?”. I hope you enjoyed these poems of strength and courage to do what is right and to always remain strong in all your positive efforts. Peace and God speed everyone. Love, Jeronimo Rubio

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“Have You Ever?… Be the One”

How you ever been sitting outside on your porch,
Wondering what the hell could have possible went wrong,
And wishing you knew how to fix it?

Have you ever been sitting inside of your car,
Wondering how you lost everything that you had,
And feeling how much you really miss it.?

Have you ever been in a group but felt like you didn’t belong,
Wondering why you were because you had no interest,
And you felt so invisible within it?

Have you ever been in a relationship that seems so one sided,
Wonder what you had done to turn it from good to bad,
And you saw no future so why be in it?

Have you ever had a job where you felt insignificant,
Wondering if any of your work was ever a benefit,
And felt ignored with ever effort you put too it?

Well let me say this. We have all been here.
And believe me it truly isn’t your fault
You must believe me this is true.

It usually is because the world has become selfish.
The world has become motivated by self indulgence.
And believe they are more important than you.

But they would be wrong. Because selfishness is a crime.
Not just to you but also to them for they lose more than gain.
They will fall on their face in the end.

They will be lonely because no one wants to know them.
They will never find love or true happiness in life.
And for sure they will never have or know a true friend.

So be the one who looks forward to loving and caring.
Be the one who will be a true and real friend.
Be the one who will share and contribute in a positive way.

Be the one who will help no matter what they may think.
Be the one who will lift the spirits of others around you.
Be the one that will shine and create new smiles every day.

Be proud. Be strong. Be Truth. Be power. Be Love. Be the one.

Poems, text and signed photographs are authored by

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