The importance of effective recruitment for entry into organizations .

Personnel management is nowadays one of the indispensable aspects that frame the success or failure of any organization, and that translates into management strategies that allow attracting and keeping personnel with high work performance capacity, in order to achieve in the most efficient way possible the objectives pre-established by the management.

In this context, one of the basic concerns of any organization is to know if its way of recruiting and selecting personnel is adequate, in order to avoid having poorly trained personnel in various areas, which produce losses in materials and inputs that translate into financial losses.

In relation to this, the recruitment and selection of personnel is a process that must have the importance that every company must take into account to achieve success in their actions, because, having an excellent staff will allow them to meet the current demands, such as technological innovation and competition with other companies.

Within this perspective, the process of recruiting and selecting personnel is a continuous and progressive activity that seeks to always maintain competitive employees, therefore, it is of vital importance to maintain the appropriate tools for their attraction that affect both the behavior and work performance, as well as the attitudes of workers and organizational commitment.

Faced with this reality, the company needs to have methods, techniques and procedures, to employ strategies that allow it to attract and hire employees with skills and abilities that lead to maintain and even improve the productivity and competitiveness of the organization. When the selection is not well done, the company does not achieve the objectives previously determined, and may affect the success of the organization.

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