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Overcoming Addiction- Real Talk

Addiction is not the problem but the absence of emotional and mental health are. See I believe the reason we struggle to help people overcome addiction is because we put all the emphasis and focus on the aspect of the addiction. We teach people that they must fight this addiction and then they partner with it by continually calling themselves addicts. "Hi I am Jeff and an addict"-----No that is not my identity...."Hi I am Jeff a son of God, valued, accepted, and beloved"......

Addiction whether it be drugs, food, shopping, sex, porn or any other form of addiction is a symptom of the true underlying issue. The root most likely is complicated and diverse per each individual, but many times it has roots in a lack of identity, value, and worth. These deep rooted issues generally are caused by trauma(s) which created a form of depression and chemical imbalance most likely unknowingly. Then the form of addiction creates a chemical dependence by flooding the frontal lobe with surges of dopamine creating the very strong bondage which is always chemically related and therefore very difficult to recover and heal......Its a vicious circle, the depression or chemical imbalance fuels the addiction, and the addiction fuels the depression. Almost all of us have had to face it either personally or within our close circle of friends and family, and may still be facing it.....

For people to heal and recover we must focus on the deeper rooted issue not the addiction, heal the root and the symptom disappears. What needs to happen is self-awareness through contemplative meditation, writing, prayer, excersise, healthy eating and most important finding purpose, self-worth, and re-discovering one's identity!

Its a very long process and usually involves mistakes, relapses, and hopelessness along the way, but healing is possible and very real...People don't have to be slaves to the addiction living in fear of relapse or always seemingly looking over their shoulders....Healing is a physical, spiritual, and emotional process and must be seen that way.....I also believe that you can literally heal and not have to worry or be a part of some group your whole life....Now I'm not saying groups aren't good but defining yourself as an addict is! Please any feedback, comments, ir questions are greatly appreciated and valued!

There is Freedom Available I am living proof!!!

Much love and blessings🙏😇💓

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