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Big Beautiful Billboard

Happy Weedsday All you beautiful people !!! I hope today finds you doing fine!!

Today, July 29th is not like every other day...... I would like to tell you why!

It has been a surreal day today. Just 8 short months ago Cannabis Open Carry Walks started with an IDEA !!! It was an idea that we would march across Texas spreading awareness in every city and town possible! NO PERMITS !! NO PERMISSIONS !! Just our First Amendment Rights and a whole lot of consistency in action. We wanted to make it known everywhere what we are trying to do , especially those who are running for various offices that represent the people of Texas. Really, it started with a bunch of people who had a common goal and a common focus and that was to educate the uneducated and misinformed about the benefits of Cannabis , medically and economically. That is where we started, and we have come so far already ...with a ways to go yet. However...we don't give up! We do this every weekend !!! We get out all over Texas to educate on any and every street corner and pretty much to anyone who will listen ! No we are NOT conventional and never intended to be. We see where conventional has gotten us. A big bunch of nowhere! If you want different results , you cant keep doing the same old thing. So we don't !! So , while Facebook and Instagram are great tools , it comes with censorship and algorithms that are hard to overcome at times. Our solution was to BE unconventional and do activities that others do not typically engage in! Its been successful to say the least ! If you support Cannabis , no matter what form it is in...cuz no , its not all about smoking! Its also about the fact that Cannabis is actually good for your body and is medicine. Then, there is also Hemp. There are endless possibilities with the use of Hemp in our culture and society. We need you though ! Come out and find an event to attend ! Help us spread the word!! Help us Free The Weed!

So ...the billboard IDEA came to fruition a few days ago and today was my first time to see it up close and personal! We (COCW) with the help of other like minded cannabis supporters, we decided to erect a billboard and keep it up for a while ! It was so amazing to stand there and gaze at the huge 40 foot sign that so many people contributed to and some prob even dreamed about! ( I know I have) It tells me that there are a LOT of people here in Texas that want this plant to be legal. I feel that the direction that Cannabis legalization is going in Texas isn't going fast enough! There are way too many people suffering unnecessarily! We need your help too ! Unity is key and unconventional is in style! Please find us on for event details in a city or town near you! If there isn't one....create one!! All it takes is for you to have the passion and the drive! If you build it...they will come !!!